Meet Patagon AI

Sales on Auto-Pilot

We are the first Autonomous Sales Platform. Deploy our best-in-class AI agents, fine-tuned for specific roles and industries, on WhatsApp in only a few minutes.

Sell on

Enhance customer engagement and sales with direct, efficient messaging interactions

Generate and qualify leads

Capture and engage the right customers quickly for improved business growth and success


Simplify and accelerate your payment collection for smoother transactions and cash flow

Keep your CRM up to date

Automatically update your CRM, ensuring accurate customer data for better management


Scale Your Go To Market

"Hire" our best-in-class agents in seconds. Select fine-tuned models, designed for different roles and industries.

Lead Qualification

Efficiently sort and prioritize sales leads, enhancing your conversion process


Automatically engage customers and streamline deal closures for enhanced sales performance


Enhance customer experience and loyalty with automated follow-up and support


Re-engage and convert with targeted outreach, tailored to individual customer interests


Custom Agents for Every Vertical

Tailored AI-driven solutions for enhanced sales across diverse industries.

We improve our agents in close collaboration with our clients
We use anonymized sales data to fine-tune our agents
We offer a complete library of A/B tested agents
Powerful and scalable

Monitor Your Fleet at a Glance

Easily understand and manage your sales operation, let your team take over the conversation if necessary.

Instant visibility of your sales funnel and AI agents performance
Easily deploy agents across different markets and use cases
Quick access to deal information, full chat transcripts and manual override

Simple, Predictable Pricing

We only charge per customer served


100 customers included
Access to all AI agents
WhatsApp integration
Sheets integration
Help center
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+10000 customers
All in Pro
Custom integrations
Real-time support
Priority access to beta features
Custom pricing per customer served
Contact Us

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Be the first to experience the future of sales automation with Patagon AI.

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